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Develop a Strategic Internet Marketing For Startup

In each of the existing and future Developments, we have a duty and obligation to generate new customers for our service / product to keep our dream and long-term vision, despite being an absolute truth, unfortunately the most important barrier that we are is the lack of capital for investment in media. However, against this financial constraint, we can use the Online Marketing for us to take the first steps, consider alternatives successfully together 3 below:

1. Initial contact with our Network

To begin, we need not invest in advertising online or offline, we need as startup absolute priority is to know if our product or service is right, if it meets the customer need or if they need some modification or improvement for that really is the solution to their problems they were seeking.

Without going any further, let’s go down to the fact that, for example shortstack is an application that allows any user (without programming skills) deploy applications on Facebook. These Startup begun months ago invoice today more than 3 million dollars a year, and their marketing strategy was only this point 1. Nothing more. They began contacting via Email (Email Marketing using MailChimp which is free to begin with) and social networks (especially Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn), early users asked if they could give feedback on how to improve the tool to change them application offered them for free. The rest is history, now has more than 300,000 customers.

2. Promotions / Offers Viral

Another key reason why investing in Online Marketing from the ability to leverage our existing customers (however few they may be) as a means to attract new customers. For example, in Denmark, companies selling luxury goods class use social networks, especially Pinterest and Instagram, through its excellent images to provide offers to those who share / like / subscribe over their images online.

Through this visual channel is key to generate and increase sales for those products where the picture says a thousand words and truly is everything.

But this factor does not end here, the famous companies discount coupons and group purchases are a clear example of how to use social media and marketing power that resides in them, as a means of advertising to attract new customers by offering loans to their current users who are able to bring a friend / relative / acquaintance and consume their "day off”. Of course, this "referral” as they call it, it is tracked properly to understand its origin.

3. Implementation of SEO for our Startup

Another excellent opportunity effectiveness but more focused on the long term, is to adapt our website Online shop for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), this means that our enterprise is compatible with search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo that are used by potential new customers for us now and in the future to find new things.

For this to be successfully developed, we must keep this in mind from day one. So you should always use text no matter how simple and basic, and what should be recommended. To this point, I recommend the SEOmoz community where for free you can access hundreds of post and videos which explains step by step how to seamlessly deploy our marketing strategy through SEO (Search).

This last step of the three mentioned is the only long-term, the results are not going to see from one day to the other but in the long run is our greatest ally. The first step is the best for short term and the second point is the best advertising strategy for the medium term for our Startup and success to generate new customers.

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Vishal Shah is a professional writer and currently works as web development company which provide highly specialized in website designing services and iPhone application development.

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